
oye oye grant help!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT READ!!!!

dear everyone
i am actually fighting with grant sheme and i need your help to finish some of them

1 santa your cv fr english and statement plus 2 picture no pdf please
2 emeric the same for you with the fr version too
3 any idear or proposition for the 104 in france
to apply we need to have some proposition about workshop lectures event etc site specific and in the area
please write around one page per idear and be the more precise
i have a special blog that i will fill with all this idears and a pdf about the collectif in general

your idear must be set up as

1 title,
2 how are you cv photo(make it short),
3 what is it?objectif why,particpant?(public artist both)
4 how long (week end more )
5 where (precisely in the 104 and other possiblility if not available
6 material equipement need etc

please send me your propositions with this order
and One propositions minimum per personne in the group!!!!
you can work with a team per project i need at least 10 idears concrete
dealine the 7 of august
i cant organise a brainstorming because everyone is away
if you are in paris let me know we can organise one with few of us and the other will send their propositions by email

have a look at

# projects exploring a wide spectrum of European diversity: from the co-existence of traditions and peoples in one place, to migration movements and new urban, globalised diversity.
# Projects reflecting on Europeanness and European developments in an innovative way: we need artists to comment, research, question, imagine and visualise what is happening in European societies, in the cities, within and between communities, across and beyond European borders.
# Projects involving an innovative creative process and a visible end product: we are looking for artistic impressions, ideas, answers, works on how Europe should/could relate to the diversity in its communities.
# Projects which will have a legacy for the future, which will make a sustainable impact: one-off projects may still be eligible, provided they can demonstrate a vision for a lasting impact in their context.

can you write few lines about it
in the context of the shunt exibition and the collectif in the future
the questions will be:
how can we explore the wide spectrum of europeen diversity ....
how can we reflect europeen development.....

please take it seriously ..........
i cant answer to all this questions by myself

i also expect that you appropriate yourself the project and make a lot of propositions

i am not here to propose you shows or event !!!!!!

and i will not if you dont investigate yourself in the project
in the sense to be here when things hapening
and share idears contact project with others

collective meant putting idears and network together to give us the possibility to make changes in the way of working and to get more opportunity

but its "Donnant donnant" as we say in french :)

cant wait to see all yours propositions
dont be affraid everything is welcome !!!!

huge kisses

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