

hello everyone and greetings from Istanbul!

I've been thinking about the projects for 104 and I think I'd like to do some kind of a workshop with elderly people living in the area. For now I'm just starting to think about it and I wanted to know if anyone else would be interested in organizing something?

I often find myself observing old people in the street and in the busses. I've been living a long time in Paris, but still I don't actually know any elderly people in the city, I haven't got any family there and I'm really very little in contact with them.

And there's something quite strange which I notice sometimes. Sometimes it seems as if the old got invisible, people pay very little attention to them, they are not active in the society, not usefull and end up really lonely. I see lots of little old crazy women dressed up with makeup all over their face in the street not really knowing what to do..

I'd like to do a workshop over a period of time, enough to get to know the participants, to organize diners and why not some dancing and to create something together. What i myself think of would be filming them, maybe asking them to tell stories of their lives or made up stories, work with their dreams and create something around them, play with their fanatasies and with all of which they are deprived (sexuality for example).

I would be mostly interested in working with them as performancers but I'm really open to any ideas. If any of you would be interested let me know, let's get our ideas together.


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