
Dear Shuntian friends,

BEFORE FRIDAY We need you to send (or re-send) your information to put together the fundings booklet.

If we don't get your information on time, we unfortunetely won't be able to keep you in the project.

We need:

- a short biographie*
- a short statement / expectations for the shunt*
- 5 pictures of your work (300 dpi, not over 2MO each)

*Two versions one in english and one in french for those who are bilingual

Of course, you don't have to be too specific about your ideas for the shunt, but share your expectations for the project, and keep in mind the concept of the event: Work in Progress.

This package must be sent before friday to this email adress only :shuntwebmail@gmail.com
Ivan and Pauline are in charge for the realization of the booklet.

You can contact them or me if you have any questions...

Thank you all,

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